Up for Consignment?
For those who want to offer their pre-loved designer bags on consignment, we offer one of the lowest fees around. At an agreed sum, compared to our competitors who take 50%, we will showcase your item and give it the best chance to sell and sell quickly. You can feel confident leaving your bag with us knowing that we take the safety of your item very seriously and will explain our processes to ensure you get the exact same back should it not sell for a price you require.
Not Ready to Part with Your Designer Handbag?
What’s better? Instant cash or a designer bag? We’re not sure either. We know you love your handbags, but sometimes cash is king. At Love Luxury, we understand it may be hard to part with your cherished handbag. That’s why we’ve created an option just for people like you. Utilise our “Buyback Option” so you have the ability to buy your Hermès, Chanel or Louis Vuitton handbag back once you’re flush again. This is just another way we’re always offering our clients the best possible services available, and what makes us stand apart from the rest.
It’s time to make some cash. Contact us to sell your pre-loved designer handbag today!