As one of the most sought-after luxury brands in the world, it’s safe to say that finding a genuine and authentic Patek Philippe is considered an investment win – both from a financial standing and in terms of your own personal style.
But with the demand around Patek Philippe watches at such a high, how can you be sure that the watch you are interested in buying is in fact genuine and worth the high price tag attached? After all, you have to be hiding under a rock to not know the debilitating impact that fake goods and knock-off designer pieces are having on the luxury market – with Patek Philippe just one of the brands that has suffered from a rise in complex and sophisticated copies.
Of course, as is the case with all luxury brands, there are tell-tale signs that a watch you are viewing is fake or genuine – some of which we will touch on later in this piece. But, as a precaution, our most important piece of advice is to always buy and sell through a reputable reseller. More on that later in the blog.

Why Patek Philippe Is So Popular with Buyers and Sellers
A genuine Patek Philippe timepiece is an excellent, high-value investment that not only boasts incredible status on its own but can be sold for more than you bought it for within hours of the original purchase.
There are a few factors that contribute towards the incredible success and popularity of Patek Philippe watches – starting with the heritage and history of the brand, which began way back in 1839.
The tagline for the brand underpins its heritage and timeless feel with the simple line “You never actually own a Patek Philippe. You merely take care of it for the next generation.” What this does is create a standard by which each watch instantly becomes an heirloom rather than a mere accessory – acknowledging the ever-increasing value of a Patek Philippe without ever actually referencing its price tag.
As well as the brand history and the fact that Patek Philippe is a vastly recognisable brand that commands huge status and admiration, we have to touch on the role that limited supply and high demand play, and the importance of the craftsmanship and innovative design of each piece. All of this culminates in a price tag that is, for many, bordering on unattainable – leading to the final pillar in Patek Philippe’s crown, which is the connection between the brand and famous, influential, and wealthy individuals.
When famous people catch on to and favour a specific brand, the market around that brand becomes saturated – an idea which has continued to buoy the popularity and success of Patek Philippe, Rolex, Chanel, and countless other high-end brands.
With all that said, and with the buyers’ motivation well and truly grounded in quality and status, where exactly can you buy an authentic Patek Philippe watch, and how do you go about selling one that you already have?

The Importance of a Proper Valuation and Authentication Check When Buying or Selling
When it comes to buying and selling luxury goods, the authentication process allows consumers and resellers to see that an item is what it claims to be. Typically, these authentication checks look for the hallmark signs of an authentic model, as shared by the brand, checking serial numbers and the intricate details that denote a genuine model.
For Patek Philippe, the serial number is one of the most important aspects of the authentication check, alongside the quality and detail behind the design, and of course the price. Specific focus points include the crown of the Patek Philippe logo, which should be incredibly detailed and perfect by design, and the combination of materials according to the reference of the model. A little research will let you know which models were made with which materials, so that you can get some idea as to which materials to look out for when buying a timepiece.
A formal valuation will be able to determine the cost of each individual Patek Philippe – and if, as a buyer, you are quoted a price that seems cheap, it’s probably because the piece is fake. So, where can you find an authentic and reliable Patek Philippe watch, or indeed part with a timepiece that you already own and are looking to sell off as an investment?
Where to Buy and Sell Authentic Patek Philippe Watches
This is where it becomes important to seek out the most reliable and trustworthy resellers in the business, with Dubai becoming an increasingly central port in the second-hand luxury goods market.
Since we arrived in Dubai, our store has seen some of the most intricate and sought-after luxury pieces in the world, with our inhouse team of specialists able to identify genuine goods in record time, with fair and reliable valuations.
For those looking to sell a genuine Patek Philippe, we always recommend selling to a second-hand store or company rather than a private buyer, as these specialists will offer the fairest price.
For those looking to buy an authentic Patek Philippe watch, while it can be tempting to browse online or visit auction houses, the best way to browse a selection of pieces and have time to make the right decision for you is through a reputable second-hand seller. By visiting a physical storefront, you benefit from the time to browse and try on different pieces, understanding the features of each piece and learning more about the brand that you are looking to invest in – and, in turn, become a part of the history of.
Remember, a Patek Philippe timepiece is not just for you – it’s an investment for future generations, and something that you merely become the caretaker of. Our team of reputable luxury specialists are here to help ensure that the piece you purchase, covet, or sell is a genuine Patek Philippe. Get in touch with the Dubai team for more information or to book your visit!